Individual Consultation
Receive support and guidance in thinking through your options and finding the right course for your family in a personalized consultation in your own home, or by phone or Skype as needed.
Topics may include:
- Deciding whether to have a baby
- Finding your route to parenthood
- Choosing a donor
- Navigating co-parenting
- Creation or location of supportive communities
- Charting your fertility
- Processing the roller coaster ride of coming to parenthood
- Finding your work/life/family balance
- Navigating postpartum and newborn care
- Figuring out your baby's sleep, eating and playing rhythms
- Finding your voice and confidence as a parent
The fee for an in person Individual Consultation is $100 per hour, with a two hr minimum.
This visit will take place in your home unless an office visit is preferred, and the travel fee is included. *
The fee for a consultation by phone or video is $100 per hour, charged in 15 minute increments (with no minimum).
The Fine Print
* Travel within Sonoma county is included in visit fee.
An additional fee may apply to visits to Marin, Solano, Napa, SF and Alameda counties.
Please email or call me for more information
and to schedule a visit or call!
c: 707.893.7877 |